Betty jean Morgan


United States

Hoping to become a writer.

Betty's Blog

It seems like lately when we turn on the television or read the news all we see is so much hatred and a nation divided. In the U.S. unless you are 100% Native American your ancestors came from another country. Sometimes they came for religious freedom, sometimes because of famine, or just for a better life.

Betty's Blog

In the chaos of todays world it is easy to lose sight of who you are. Do you look in the mirror and not recognize who you are? I'm not talking about physical appearance. Society tells us that we are are suppose to be a certain type of person and to act a certain way.

Betty's Blog

In the world today we easily forget how a little kindness can make a difference in some ones life. There was a young boy whose uncle was a famous country music star who was staying with them for a while. The boy was so excited that he told his classmates.

Betty's Blog

It seems like lately for a lot of us it has been a challenging time. Whether it is the loss of a loved one or an illness or other struggles, at times it has seemed like life has been overwhelming. Sometimes it has felt like world is crashing down on us.

Betty's Blog

Haver you ever just stopped and watched children as they play? In their world they are flying high in the sky ridding on dragons breathing fire across the sky, they are chasing purple bunnies with white cotton tales across beautiful meadows, and they are chasing fairies dancing across the land.

Betty's Blog

As we get ready in a few weeks to celebrate Independence Day let's take a moment to remember those who sacrificed and those who gave the ultimate gift so that we could have our independence and the freedoms we enjoy. Instead of the normal blog I thought I would share this poetry I wrote.

Betty's Blog

Strength is not about how big you are or how strong you are. It's when you think you can't go on. It's when you feel like you can't take another step. It's that inner strength that you reach for deep inside of you that keeps you going.

Betty's Blog

When we loose someone we love we are told that time will heal everything and it will. We are told they are in a better place and they are. That doesn't mean that we don't feel like our heart is ripping into a million pieces.

Betty's Blog

As spring approaches , the grass starts to turn green , and the birds start to sing. As things start to get better we reflect on the past year and move forward. That dosen't mean we forget because we will never forget those that died this past year whether from the virus or from other things, nor the lessons we have learned.

Betty's Blog

As we celebrate International Womens Day we honor the women of the past and present. We are the grandmothers , mothers , sisters , daughters and granddaughters of these women. They are the ones who dried our tears , calmed our fears and was always there for us.

Betty's Blog

As we emerge from a year filled with lockdowns and trying to navigate working from home and online schooling, We can find ourselves excited and a little fustrated as we deal with long lines and short staffed places. We can become a little upset. We just need to take a step back and think a minute.